후원하기 집고치기신청

Our Work the beginning of hope and self-reliance

    Humanitarian Aid

    Habitat Korea offers the region with humanitarian crisis housing, public health, and education support.
    Habitat Korea helps the victims of disaster obtain self-reliance and dream of a better future.
    Habitat Humanitarian Aid

    Habitat Korea helps the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts, and other forms of humanitarian crisis.
    Habitat Korea offers emergency shelters, WASH facilities, disaster risk reduction education, and others

    Emergency response

    After the emergency occurs, Habitat Korea delivers
    emergency aid kits and emergency shelters to protect
    the victims’ basic human rights.

    Early recovery and

    Habitat Korea offers public health, housing,
    and education programmes to assist the victims
    to return to their old lives.

    Disaster Risk
    Reduction (DRR)

    In the region where disaster strikes frequently,
    to minimise the damage caused by the disaster,
    Habitat introduces DRR programmes, designed to
    reduce the cause of damages, improve the governance,
    and build proper infrastructure.

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