후원하기 집고치기신청

Our Work the beginning of hope and self-reliance

    Improving living conditions

    Habitat Korea improves living conditions to offer decent and safe home.
    Habitat Korea improves living conditions in both rural and urban areas to address housing poverty.
    Self-reliant families are the foundation of sustainable community

    Habitat Korea improves living conditions in both rural and urban areas to bring about the end of housing poverty.

    Habitat’s decent and safe home offers low-income families a place to rest.

    A decent place to live is the foundation of self-reliance and better education. It allows the families to achieve financial independence through saving and investing, and a future independent of financial restraints.

    Families free of concerns about natural disasters are healthier and more independent, and they tend to be more active in community. In a world where everyone has a decent place to live, everyone is an agent of sustainable development.

    Home building project

    Each country has its own Habitat standard housing model.
    These models are designed to use the materials original
    to the region.
    Local governments and representatives of the villages
    become a part of the selection committee.

    Improving educational

    Increase the accessibility to the local schools.
    If necessary, Habitat Korea increases the
    accessibility to library and computers.

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