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    [arirang tv] Korea lends helping hand to Uganda's struggle for clean water
    • 작성일2016/06/06 15:33
    • 조회 4,430

    201. 5. 30.

    Korea lends helping hand to Uganda's struggle for clean water

    Uganda's capital Kampala is a hustle and bustle of cars, high-rise buildings and modern technology.

    But step out of the city and it's a very different picture.

    Lacking basic infrastructure, even the simplest necessities can be hard to come by.

    Eight million people, or roughly 20-percent of Uganda's population, do not have access to safe water.

    In Korea, NGOs such as Habitat for Humanity Korea have been working to raise awareness and find ways to help alleviate the problem.

    A water-carrying campaign was launched to highlight the long journeys that many Ugandans, mostly women and children, have to make every day to collect water.

    "We wanted to highlight that not only do they have little access to clean water, the long times children spend collecting water means it takes away from their time for education and school as well."

    One private Korean citizen who saw this issue and took it upon himself to help was Jy Park.

    As a student he spent time in Uganda and experienced firsthand some of the difficulties Ugandans go through.


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