후원하기 집고치기신청

Volunteer memory of sweat and time for miracle

    Home building

    We build home and hope with your sweat and passion for others.

    Home building

    Habitat Korea build homes for those in need of decent housing.

    Habitat home becomes a foundation on which families are made and communities are built. You can volunteer to bring about positive changes with your sweat and passion.

    Construction process

    12 months story of how
    Habitat home is built
    Habitat Korea builds an apartment flat, consists of 4-6 homes, designed to minimise construction waste and maximise volunteer participation.
    While it is not luxurious, it is, as it always will be, a home built by sweat and love of many, which makes it one and only home. Our every effort, however small it might be, lays the foundation for the new families.
    April, laying foundation

    The construction starts by laying foundation. After pouring concrete,
    to prevent mositure and coldness from the ground, Habitat Korea adds
    vinyl sheets and insulation.

    May, making concrete frame

    After installing pipes, we pour concrete into forms to make floor, walls,
    and stairs. Once the concrete solidifies, forms are removed to build
    the next floor. This process is repeated until all floors are made.

    June, Wooden frame installation

    Habitat house consists not only of concrete, but also of wooden frame.
    Wooden frame is high-quality, environmentally-friendly, and easy to
    maneuver so that volunteers could participate in the construction process.

    July, Roof installation (Truss installation)

    After completing walls on the second floor, Habitat Korea
    builds rooftop. To support the roof, truss, triangular
    support frames, will be installed before adding wooden plates.
    On top of the wooden plates, asphalt felt gets to be installed
    to prevent water from leaking. As final touch, asphalt shingles
    are attached on top.

    August-September Finishing exterior

    Finishing exterior starts with fixing wooden plates on the wooden
    frames to make walls. Then, variable-permeance vapour retarder,
    which prevent external moisture from entering, while releasing
    moisture inside out, is added. After, finishing materials are applied,
    and windows are installed.

    September-October, Finishing interior

    Firstly, we fill the space between wooden frames with
    insulation. After, the basic outline of the house will be
    completed by using gypsum boards. The wall will be finished
    with wallpaper. At the same time, electricity, heating,
    and water facilities and kitchen will be installed to
    finalised the house.

    November, landscape

    Habitat’s touch on Habitat house does not end with the house.
    Habitat pays attention to details, planting trees and flowers,
    installing properly working sewage, installing streetlights,
    and paving roads, if necessary.


    Building community with your own hands.

    Joy of creating something, and sincerity and community within it.

    Habitat DIY is a fun activity that families, friends and colleagues could easily participate to create home-related furnitures and gadgets that are to be donated in the local children;s centre.

    Korea Blitz Build

    Construction Volunteering festival in the midst of Summer!

    Korea Blitz Build (KBB)

    Super-short period construction project, created by the sweats of the volunteers
    What is Korea Blitz Build (KBB)?

    In celebration of 2001 Jimmy Carter Work Project in Korea, Habitat Korea hosts construction volunteering festival, KBB, on the first week of August.

    • What is Korea
      Blitz Build (KBB)?

      Korea Blitz Build is a large-scale construction volunteering event that takes place on the first week of August. The likeminded people from all walks of life participate to bring about positive changes. For 4 days, volunteers not only participate in construction, but also in various events, making KBB a unique opportunity to bond. Individuals as well as groups are invited to take part.

    • Benefit
      • Benefit01 Service confirmation certificate for 8 hours a day

        Habitat for Humanity Korea Service confirmation certificate

      • Benefit 02 Issuing a certificate of completion

        Korea Blitz Build (KBB) Certificate of Completion

      • Benefit 03 Participation

        T-shirts, arm warmer,
        snacks, drinks, etc.

    ※Due to the continuing COVID-19 crisis, there will not be KGB in 2021.

    Volunteer Manager
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