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    Emergency/Disaster response

    Help disaster-affected families have a fresh start
    Habitat for Humanity’s emergency response to disaster comes in 4 stages.

    Habitat Korea responses to large-scale disasters both within and beyond the borders by
    installing emergency shelters and cleaning up debris to make grounds for new starts.

    Help Habitat Korea help those who are affected by the disaster find new hope in safety. Donation

    Habitat for Humanity’s 4-stage Emergency response programme

    Habitat for Humanity responses to major disasters in 4 stages for more permanent solutions.

    • the First Stage:
      Emergency aid kit and
      Temporary shelters

      Distribution of emergency aid kits and build temporary shelters

    • the Second Stage:
      Cleaning up and Emergency
      home repairing

      Cleaning up the debris and repairing homes after a thorough safety inspection.

    • the Third Stage:
      Establishing Habitat Resource
      Centre in the affected area

      Establishing Habitat Resource Centre (HRC) where skills for mass reconstruction are taught and construction materials are produced.

    • the Forth Stage:
      Construction of
      Permanent Home

      Building permanent home where families can rebuild their lives.

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