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About Us Habitat for Humanity


    Homeowners are important partners of Habitat for Humanity. Homeowners, along with donors and volunteers, build decent homes where they realise their potential.

    Homeowner Selection Criteria

    • 01 Families without home under their name

      Families must not own home and are financially unable to acquire home through any feasible means.

    • 02 Willing and capable of volunteering a set amount of time in building homes : 'sweat equity'

      Families must be able to invest a set amount of time in building his/her own home or someone else’s. This is ‘Sweat equity’, and participating in the home building process would not only increase the affection towards one’s own home, but also earn valuable skills to maintain the home.

    • 03 Willing and capable of repay a set amount of fund that would be used to help other families: ‘revolving fund’

      Habitat for Humanity seeks to help homeowners gain self-reliance. Habitat for Humanity believes ‘revolving fund’ would motivate homeowners to stay active in the community and eventually lead them to self-reliance.

    How Revolving fund works

    Homeowners must volunteer in construction for a set amount of time to fulfill ‘Sweat equity’.
    After moving into Habitat home, the homeowners are required to repay the construction cost without interest in installment, which will be used to help the next homeowners. This lays the foundation for self-reliance for the homeowners.
    In other words, the fund repaid by the homeowners will be used to help the next families; hence the revolving fund. Others call it ‘a-house-for-a-house’ as the first house will assist the next one built.
    Through the revolving fund, the lives of the homeowners change for the better, and that of the community with it.
    Habitat for Humanity is working to better the lives of all of us.
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